Love me tender - © Galerie des Galeries
Love me tender, 2000

Stainless steel
Courtesy of the artist, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris / Brussels
© ADAGP, Paris 2013
© Thibaut Voisin

Faustino’s “Love me tender” chair (2000) is an invitation to sadomasochism. Here the body is aware of its power of interaction, though formatted by architecture. The furniture precludes any lapse of discipline, lest damage be even greater – an “architectural misadventure” to quote the name of Faustino’s studio created in 2002: “Mésarchitectures”. The chair fully expresses the intent of an architect/artist who is keen on exploring “visual and physical instability” and turns architecture into an active interface between our body and its space-time incarnation.

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