Shot between Paris and Los Angeles, in daylight or in the underground of Galeries Lafayette, Clara Cullen's Rhizome follows the wanderings of artist Michèle Lamy. Reminiscent in form and structure of the rhizome, a type of transverse, nomadic plant that grows anarchically between heaven and earth, the film invites viewers to take a dreamlike stroll in the footsteps of its protagonist through the heart of the department stores', a place where many creative and artistic networks come together.

Clara Cullen (Argentine) est scénariste et réalisatrice. Elle travaille dans les domaines du cinéma, de la mode, du théâtre et de l'opéra. Son documentaire "Lost and Found" a été présenté à Visions de Réel, Indie Lisboa en 2021. Son premier long métrage, "Manuela" a remporté le prix du meilleur film latino-américain au Festival de Santa Barbara en 2023.

A film by Clara CULLEN
Starring Michèle LAMY

Music Ethan BRAUN


Cinematography Julien VERON

Sound Maël Desmereaux, Quentin LENOIR
Second Camera Romain SZUWALSKI
Camera Assistant Georges FROMONT
Gaffer Elie COTTIN, Tarek DACCACHE
Line Producer Maoumy DIJGAL


Director of Photography Stefan WEINBERGER

Sound Matthew LEEB
Line Producer Helena MARTEL
Assistant Stella HONOREL

Editing Jeronimo Pérez RIOJA
Sound Mix Nicolas CECININI
Color Grading Fred FLEUREAU
Editing assistant Leonardo CARDEMIL

Graphic Designer Marie-Mam Sai Bellier
Producer Assistant Clara EON
Set Photographer Diane ARQUES

Misia Films Violeta KREIMER Valentina MERLI
Galeries Lafayette Guillaume HOUZE, Cécile LARRIGALDIE, Pauline TOULOUZOU, Marie ARTIFONI

Special thanks to les Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, les équipes de sécurité, sureté incendie et technique, Owens Corp Team, Kate McCreery & Image Partnership, Chateau Marmont, Wild Card Boxing, Studio Orlando, Heni Sghaier, RVZ, Paul-Anthony Mille, Kafard Films, Mathieu Brechoire, Tête à Claps

Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Watch also
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Lafayette Mansion
Mélanie Matranga
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Each Eyelid Is A Dome
Antoine Viviani
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Adriano Valerio
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Night Train
Géraldine Py & Roberto Verde
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Michelle Tshibola
Rhizome - © Galerie des Galeries
Angelica Mesiti

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